I'm Alissa, your new best resource for reigniting your spark and finding your sparkle...

I have a passion for finding answers to random questions, connecting with interesting humans and for making every day an adventure...I would love to reimagine your life with you...It's your time to shine!

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hey, friend!

Ready to Level Up The Way You’re Showing Up In Your Life?

If you're anything like I used to be it is easy to put yourself at the end of every list....
it has taken me longer than it should to realize that the more you believe that you deserve the good things in life the faster they appear 

here are the steps:



Make every day a party. Take the leap and step into the dream life you've always envisioned!
On the way make sure to toast to the moments of triumph, the challenges overcome and the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Dance under the stars and revel in the joy of abundantly living your dream life. Don't forget to celebrate your resilience, determination and belief in yourself. 
Here is to you and the extraordinary life you've created!

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Unlock your dream life using the power of clear communication. Empower yourself by articulating aspirations and answering meaningful questions. In our supportive community sharing experiences provides valuable insights and encouragement. Take charge of your destiny – set specific goals and let me  guide you with actionable steps towards the life you've always dreamed of. Your journey to fulfillment begins now!

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Let's map a  transformative journey to your dream life  where empowerment meets aspiration!
 In our supportive community we share experiences and gain invaluable insights. With personalized guidance, set specific goals and watch as actionable steps propel you towards the life you've always envisioned. Elevate your journey, embrace empowerment and seize the keys to your dream life today! 

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“Alissa is the best choice I’ve made for finding adventure and rediscovering myself, hands down. She’s a freaking creative genius!” 


Empowering women to rediscover their passion and power is a transformative journey that fosters personal growth...I love to help explore their interests, encourage their self-expression and reclaim their aspirations and vibrancy

About me


Your Own Happiness List

 This checklist will help you determine and define how to show up in your own life authentically. Ready to curate your own happiness?

get it now


Helping women show up in
their own life with style &



You can't drink from an empty cup 
You need to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others
You can't get blood from a stone
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result
Nothing will change unless something changes

is this you?

     remember their own

yes, I'm in!

I have a long-held vision of creating a worldwide community of fantastic females who support each other, have fabulous fun, share amazing adventures and lift each other up

Lett's chat about how you might make your life all that you hope it could be!

tell me more





come on over...would love to connect with you!
